Reasons to be excited about Web Development & Design

Person typing picture for web

1. My future career

My first reason I’m so excited for Web is because of my future career. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking of what I actually want to do. I’ve always wanted to make sure I end up in a field I don’t hate, but one that still pays my bills eventually. Right now though, I’m certain my career lies in Web Development & Design. Making the decision that decides your future is a really big deal, but I think I’ve finally got it. A list of jobs I would like to do are Web Designer, Mobile App Developer, Data & Information Architect, Social Media Manager, and Digital Content curator. I know I previously mentioned wanting to be able to pay my bills, but that list is based more on the job descriptions and how fun I think they are.

2. Technology

I know this might be a stupid reason, but I just like things to do with technology. I’ve been using electronics and things like that since I was a toddler. Things like computers, consoles, TVs, and my pink DSI. I just prefer studying something I’m familiar with. Although Web isn’t really part of those things, I figured I’d make the something I held dearly as a small child also something important to me when I eventually reach adulthood. To be honest, I also just spend a lot of time on the internet and using websites and apps. Studying Web Design & Development would give me the knowledge I need to make that time something more productive. I’m excited for this course, and I can’t wait to make technology not only my current focus, but also the focus of both my future and my career.

picture of web

3. College

I have been told that colleges like well-rounded students. I’m pretty sure completing a shop at a technical school makes you at least somewhat well-rounded. If I’m well-rounded, I can get into a good college and after I get my degree, I can get a good job! Getting a good job and a good degree are very important for me. I just want to make my parents proud. This is a very bare-bones explanation, but I can’t myself elaborate on it any further. I just know I want to go to college, but I haven’t thought any further on that subject. I will have to start doing that though haha.

stack of books with graduation cap on top in front of whiteboard.

4. Personal

In all honesty, I have no clue what else to say. I haven’t met the word limit, but I feel like it’s hard to say why specifically I’m excited. I keep using the “I’m new” excuse, but there are other new students who are doing better than me with this stuff. I do promise that I am trying my best though. Otherwise, I can’t wait to be a part of this class and like actually understand what’s going on. This seems like a fun course, so I can’t wait to learn all you have to teach. I think I’ve been struggling with this so much because I’ve never written a blog before, so I don’t really know what to say. I’ve been trying to follow the rubric, but as I go on and on, I find myself not liking the format. It is possible that it’s just the topic itself, and not the format though. This one specifically is about feelings and there’s no way for me to really put all my feelings into coherent, topic related thoughts. I hope the next blog is easier for me. Thank you for reading my blog, I’m sorry it couldn’t be longer. I’m excited to try this new thing with new people, and I’m like totally not nervous!

happy emoji thumbs up excited about web
how I feel! (also from pdp)

Unrelated disclaimer: also I know this blog is kind of ugly but it’s literally due in less than three hours, and I don’t currently have teams on my laptop to contact you. Might come back and clean her up when I’m better at blogs!! She looks better in tablet mode by the way.