Why Websites are Critical for Small Businesses


Hello! If you skipped the title of this blog and went straight to the text, you’re in luck! I will explain the topic of this blog right here. This blog is about why websites are critical for small businesses.

Putting the “small” in small businesses

The Census Bureau defines a small business as a business with firm revenue ranging from 1 to 40 million and from 100 to 1,500 employees. They’re different from large corporations in the sense that they usually aren’t very well known and don’t make as much money. So ask yourself this, why would a small business need a website?

Reason #1: Websites are doormats to small businesses

To start off, the purpose of a website is to share information. So a small business needs to find an audience and can do so by creating a website. A website introduces a small business to a potential client. A website lays out everything the businesses offer, alongside information about them. This can tell you a lot about the business, what they sell, and how they sell it.

The website is also proof that the business exists. I’m putting a lot of thinking on you right now, but imagine that you go to a local market. At that local market, you buy a really good product from a small business. Later on, you realize you want to buy more from that small business, but when you check online, it doesn’t have a website.

Now not only are you unsure if you dreamt about the business, but you don’t know how else to find the business again. You could try going to the market again, but what if the business was only there on a specific day? If a small business has a website, they’re easier to find.

Reason #2: Credibility

Small businesses need more trust from their audience than large corporations. What I mean by that is that a small business might not always be fully established, and it could be a scam. If a small business has a website, that tells potential customers that the business is serious since websites require effort.

When a small business has a website, it shows that they’re serious about their business and makes them a little more trustworthy. Would you rather trust a small business with a website or a small business that only shows pictures over messaging and accepts payment online?